
We Failed You

Heya! Wassup peeps? I know it has been a while, sorry for that, been hell lotta busy in work, literally. Anyways, today imma talk about how we as a society have failed in educating our younger ones on etiquettes. Disclaimer: There are my personal views. No offense intended. We, as a society, have failed you. Right from the moment you were born, We abused the one who conceived you, And then, thought of ways to get rid of you. When you asked for protection by tying a thread, We ensure



2 Dec 2017 1 min read

Heya! Wassup peeps? I know it has been a while, sorry for that, been hell lotta busy in work, literally.

Anyways, today imma talk about how we as a society have failed in educating our younger ones on etiquettes.

Disclaimer: There are my personal views. No offense intended.

We, as a society, have failed you.

Right from the moment you were born,
We abused the one who conceived you,
And then, thought of ways to get rid of you.

When you asked for protection by tying a thread,
We ensured that no one touched you,
But allowed our hands on your parts to spread.

When you tried to give your opinion,
We said it doesn’t matter and when you insisted,
We thrashed you without any mercy.

Every month when you bled,
We reminded you that you were different.

Finally, when the fluid washed away,
Again, we forced you on bed.

Fed up with living within four walls,
When you moved out,
Be it stations, roads or malls,
We tailed you commenting about the things,
We had seen alone on our computer screens.

We never told our younger generation,
How to behave and how not to.

But told you to avoid skirts and show no cleavage.
We confirmed that they provoke us and were diversions.

We never told them about you NOT BEING A TOY,
That one can use and throw as they will.

Ironically, what we did tell them was to bow.
Bow in front of the stones we called goddesses.

We told then to hail.
Hail mother India even when asleep.

And through this blatant hypocrisy,
We finally managed to create this evil society.

And now we can’t cry over this or crib it,
Because, we deserve every part of this hell (society).

– Nick

P.S: Thank you! Like it or hate it? Your opinion matters (no swearing though) so, gimme some o’ that in the comments down below. Ciao.