
Let's Rewind?

Let’s rewind? You block me on WhatsApp, I deactivate my Facebook. We don’t talk for days, Let’s hear what the silence says. Let’s rewind? I fight for our survival, You built a wall of ignorance. Your replies came late, Let’s embrace this feeling of hate. Let’s rewind? A wind of doubt blew your hair, Words of a stranger made home in your head. I argue with you whole night, Let’s not forget the last fight. Let’s rewind? We shared a touch for the first time, Your blush is still



21 May 2017 1 min read

Let’s rewind?
You block me on WhatsApp,
I deactivate my Facebook.
We don’t talk for days,
Let’s hear what the silence says.

Let’s rewind?
I fight for our survival,
You built a wall of ignorance.
Your replies came late,
Let’s embrace this feeling of hate.

Let’s rewind?
A wind of doubt blew your hair,
Words of a stranger made home in your head.
I argue with you whole night,
Let’s not forget the last fight.

Let’s rewind?
We shared a touch for the first time,
Your blush is still imprinted on my mind.
I find reasons to make you smile,
Let’s walk again for a mile.

Let’s rewind?
My dilemma of friendship and love.
Your assurance for being with me life long.
Heart finally ruled over mind,
Let’s cherish our feeling so kind.

Let’s rewind?
I exchanged my number for notes.
Your first “Hi” with a smiley.
I thought we will go long,
I wish I could rewind our love song.

– Nick